Central Board Upholds Eligibility Appeal
The Central Board of the Alabama High School Athletic Association upheld an appeal from Alabama Christian Academy in its Feb. 4 meeting at the State Office.
The appeal concerned the eligibility of a student that had been ruled ineligible for participating with an institution of higher rank in a fall softball scrimmage against another junior college. Denise Ainsworth, Athletic Director at ACA, made the appeal presentation.
The original ruling, made by AHSAA Executive Director Steve Savarese, was based on this rule: “A high school student who enrolls or registers in an institution of higher rank than high school or plays on an athletic team of such an institution shall not be eligible to represent any high school in the state in athletics until reinstated by the Central Board of Control.”
After much deliberation in executive session without the Executive Director or any AHSAA staff member present, the Board voted to reinstate the student’s eligibility, beginning on April 6, 2009.
In other items of business, the Board:
a. Heard a review of the recent reclassification survey.
b. Approved the dates for quarterly Board meetings.